Dr. David Harley performs the Deep Plane Face and Neck Lift exclusively under local anesthesia with oral sedation in the office setting at his Western North Carolina facility. This procedure is currently considered the most technically-advanced surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation. With his experience of performing many thousands of these procedures, and performing them daily in his facility, he is able to offer his patients a reliable procedure with predictable outcomes, reduced downtime, and greater safety. In Dr. Harley's opinion, the Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift is the greatest advancement in lifting procedures he has seen in his seventeen years of practice, offering natural and long-lasting results.
Thousands of these procedures have been performed by Dr. Harley over the past decade. Feel free to browse through some of these results at the following link:
Although the aging process does continue, most patients testify that the procedure sets the clock back at least ten years, and that they continue to look younger for the rest of their lives than if they had never had it done.
Facial rejuvenation procedures begin at $45,000, but can range in price up to $85,000. Depending on the needs and goals of the patient, pricing will vary. Dr. Harley and his team will put together a customized quote for each individual patient.
Deep-plane face and neck lifts are heralded as the most natural and long-lasting lifts available. Our patients never complain of a "pulled" look, but instead we are well-known for our natural results. If your goal is a refreshed and rested appearance, this technique may be perfect for you.
Although there are risks with any procedure, such as bleeding, infection, and healing setbacks, we have found these to be minimal due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure and due to its anesthesia.
Most patients return to work and social activities within 7-10 days, and those who exercise may begin a moderately strenuous routine after 2 weeks. We encourage our patients to ambulate leisurely just after the procedure.
We use standard face and neck lift incisions which begin under the sideburn, extend along the natural curves of the ear, around the earlobe and into the back hairline. There may be an additional incision behind the chin, but in many cases this is optional. The incisions heal quickly and inconspicuously.
Facial specialization in training and qualifications.
Everything performed under local anesthesia.
Thousands of face and neck lifts performed.